Biopsychosocial risk factors influence in the development of dissocial disorder in colombian adolescents


  • José Alonso Andrade Salazar Universidad de San Buenaventura extensión Ibagué. Colombia
  • Jenny Marcela Barbosa Ñustes Universidad de San Buenaventura extensión Ibagué. Colombia
  • Claudia Ximena Lozada Ramírez Universidad de San Buenaventura extensión Ibagué. Colombia



dissocial disorder, adolescents, biological factors, psychological factors, social factors, family, school, peer group, psychology


The objective of this investigation is to identify the risk factors of psychological influences in the social disorder development in Colombian teenagers to associate the start of disruptive behavior with the risk to progress to potential criminal acts. A social disorder in teenagers can be caused by different things, but there is only one consequence: frequency of otherness and the negating of the other in a potential meeting. The behavior of others that are affected often influences factors such as biological, pathology, psychology and events of partner family relationships that can reinforce aggressive behavior and can lead to social dissatisfaction This can lead to the provoking of criminal acts, especially when the person believes they are under a significant socioeconomic inequality in a hostile environment and that limits the access to education and labor opportunities.


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How to Cite

Salazar, J. A. A., Ñustes, J. M. B., & Ramírez, C. X. L. (2012). Biopsychosocial risk factors influence in the development of dissocial disorder in colombian adolescents. Revista Internacional De Psicología, 12(01), 1–26.

Conference Proceedings Volume



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