Personality traits by gender in Spanish College Students


  • Noelia Fernández Rouco Universidad de Cantabria, España
  • Rocío Ruiz Cobo Universidad de Cantabria, España
  • José Antonio del Barrio del Campo Universidad de Cantabria, España
  • Alba Ibáñez García Universidad de Cantabria, España
  • Irina Salcines Talledo Universidad de Cantabria, España
  • Estefanía Santurde del Arco Universidad de Deusto, España
  • Jesús Miguel Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), España



personality, students, differences, gender, scales


Gender differences in personality, optimism and stress coping were analysed in a group of Spanish college students.  Specific characteristics in these variables would be found, which will propose specific interventions. Three hundred and seventeen college students, 51 men and 266 women completed several personality questionnaires: The shorter version of  Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R), the Coping Strategies Inventory  (CSI), Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R), the Neo Five-Factor Inventory (NEO FFI), the Transparent Bipolar Inventory and the Berkeley Personality Profile. Statistically significant gender differences in social avoidance of coping skills scale and neuroticism of Eysenck Scale and Bipolar Inventory were founded. Men showed highest social avoidance and neuroticism based on Eysenck scale and no differences in other dimensions evaluated were showed. Finally, men tend to use avoidant coping, whereas neuroticism results are not consistent.


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How to Cite

Fernández Rouco, N., Ruiz Cobo, R., del Barrio del Campo, J. A., Ibáñez García, A., Salcines Talledo, I., Santurde del Arco, E., & Sánchez Rodríguez, J. M. (2014). Personality traits by gender in Spanish College Students. Revista Internacional De Psicología, 13(02), 1–23.

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